The simple way: Github#

The simplest way to contribute to the documentation is to hover the GitHub icon at the top the documentation page we want to edit, and then press “suggest edit” from the dropdown menu as shown in the image below.


Fig. 1 Click on “suggest edit” button from the GitHub dropdown menu.#

This will take you to the text editor on GitHub. One can make and commit the edits in only a few seconds.

If you are in the Duckietown organization, then you can edit the files directly and commit to a personal branch for review (more on this later). If you are not a member of Duckietown, you will be asked to fork the repository first, follow the instructions shown on GitHub to do so.

Let us try this out and perform an edit:


Fig. 2 Perform the edits you had in mind.#

Once done, check the temporary outcome by clicking on Preview changes. Note that not all functionalities are visible by the preview. For significant changes to the documentation, refer to The right way: Local editor.


Fig. 3 A preview of the changes.#

At the end of the webpage, use the form provided to describe your changes. Start by choosing “Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request”, this will give you the opportunity to submit your changes for review before they go live. Then fill in the commit message and description fields before confirming by clicking on the “Propose changes” button (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4 Describe and commit.#

This will take you to the Pull Request creation page (Fig. 5). Add any further details you want to share with the reviewers in the Pull Request description text area.

Complete by clicking on the Create pull request button (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5 Create a pull request.#