Introduction to Duckietown Appearance Specifications
Introduction to Duckietown Appearance Specifications#
Functionally, Duckietown cities are an integral part of the robotic ecosystem known as Duckietown. These cities are designed to communicate essential information to Duckiebots, enabling them to operate effectively and autonomously.
Duckietown cities are modular, composed of fundamental building blocks that can be combined to create a wide variety of city layouts. They serve as training grounds and testbeds for Duckiebots and Duckiedrones, as model autonomous robotic systems, fostering creativity in robotics education and innovation.
Duckietown cities are built in layers, with each layer providing information of increasing complexity to the robots operating within them. The layers are:
Floor: Represents the road network and surface structure.
Signals: Includes visual markers and traffic signs.
Smart infrastructure: Adds dynamic, responsive systems to aid robot navigation and operation.
In addition, “non-functional” elements, such as aesthetic or structural components, complement the construction of every Duckietown to ensure a cohesive and engaging environment.