Assembly - (Legacy) Traffic Light DT18-TL#

What you will need

What you will get

  • An assembled traffic light.

Assembly of the Traffic Light Parts#

This section provides step-by-step instructions for assembling the components of the laser-cut traffic light parts.


The small parts with holes in the middle, as shown on the left of Fig. 47, are not identical. Some have round holes, while others have polygonal holes. Double-check to ensure you are using the correct parts during assembly (compare with the pictures).

For enhanced structural stability, all parts should be glued together as shown in the images.

Tube Holder with Big Ground Plate#


Fig. 47 Traffic light parts#


Tube Holder with Small Ground Plate#


… [Additional figures remain unchanged for brevity]

Traffic Light LED Housing#


… [Additional figures remain unchanged for brevity]

Components of the Traffic Light#

After assembling the traffic light chassis, you can proceed to add the electronics.


Fig. 48 Parts needed to complete these instructions.#

Required components for one traffic light:

  • Tube holder with big ground plate

  • Tube holder with small ground plate (Duckietown)

  • Cable with soldered LED strip

  • Joint module (2x)

  • Traffic light LED housing

  • Raspberry Pi base plate

  • Ground module cover (Duckietown)

  • Camera mount and cover

  • Tubes (short, medium, long with side hole)

  • Raspberry Pi and shield

  • M2.5x10 MF Nylon spacers (8x)

  • M2.5x8 Nylon screws (4x)

  • SD card with Duckietown software

  • USB and Ethernet cables

Additional optional components:

  • Traffic sign stands (4x)

  • Traffic sign stand supports (4x)

Fully Assembled Traffic Light#

Once fully assembled, position the traffic light at an intersection. Ensure:

  • LEDs face each incoming lane perpendicularly.

  • Duckiebots at red stop lines see only one light blinking, with no reflections of other LEDs.

Use double-sided tape pads to securely attach the traffic light to the tiles.