Assembly - Traffic Signs#

What you will need

The materials to build Duckietown signals (Duckietown project shop)

What you will get

A set of signs to be used for assembling your Duckietown.

Build a Map#

Before starting sign assembly, design a tilemap that complies with the tilemap layer specifications.

The full set of currently existing signs is available here.

Making New Signage#

If the available database does not meet your needs, you can add new signage to the existing database.

Clone the signs-and-tags repository:

git clone [email protected]:duckietown/signs-and-tags

The file tag36h11.pdf in the repo contains the already-generated tags. The type of sign you are adding determines the tag you should use. Refer to AprilTag ID Ranges for tag ranges.

Table 5 AprilTag ID Ranges#




ID Range

Traffic signs

6.5cm x 6.5cm



Traffic lights

6.5cm x 6.5cm




6.5cm x 6.5cm



Street Name Signs

6.5cm x 6.5cm



Steps to Add a New Sign#

  1. Identify the last sign of the type you want to make in the Signs_and_tags_V3.docx file.

  2. Use the next available ID after the last one.

  3. Copy and paste an existing sign of a similar type and replace/add the new AprilTag.

  4. For the new AprilTag, crop precisely around the tag at the top and sides and include the sign ID at the bottom. Resize the tag to exactly 6.5cm (2.56in) and paste it into the Word file.

  5. If creating a new road name sign, adjust the font size so the name fits on one line.


You must add your new sign to the apriltagsDB.yaml.

Add a new block or modify an existing one with the appropriate tag ID:

- tag_id: ![NEW_TAG_ID]
  tag_type: {TrafficSign, Light, Localization, StreetName}
  street_name: ![NEW_STREET_NAME] or blank
  vehicle_name: currently not used
  traffic_sign_type: ![TRAFFIC_SIGN_TYPE] or blank

Finally, regenerate the PDF version of the Word file and commit the changes via a pull request.


To use a different signs and tags database, ensure you specify the correct database in the april_tags code.

Traffic Signs Assembly#

Assemble the Stands#

A traffic sign stand consists of laser-cut components, as shown in Fig. 44.


Fig. 44 Traffic sign stand kit#

Detach the wooden components and assemble them as shown in Fig. 45. If the structure seems loose, apply wood glue for added stability.


Fig. 45 Traffic sign stand assembled#

Once assembled, mount the traffic sign as shown in Fig. 46.


Fig. 46 Traffic sign stand assembled with mounted traffic sign#


Refer to Traffic Sign Placement for guidelines on sign placement.