
This diagram presents the abstract hierarchy among different layers involved in the Autolab evaluation for AIDO.


  • Autolab Locations:

    • ETHZ

    • TTIC

Entity Definition#



Num Required


Lab Operator

Humans at the autolab, for running programs, placing duckies etc.



Evaluation Runner

A local Ubuntu machine that coordinates the evaluation process…


Ubuntu 20.04

AIDO Server

The server that distributes submissions to be evaluated…


AIDO Evaluator#

To run AIDO submissions, you need to run the localization pipeline in REST mode. This will create a REST API that the AIDO evaluator process will use to run localization experiments on the Autolab. It is basically a server for accessing the pose-graph optimizer.

You can do so by running the following command from the root of the dt-autolab-localization repository:

dts devel build
dts devel run -f -X -L REST -- --hostname ETHlargeloop

The AIDO evaluator, which is the process that talks to the challenge server and gets assigned jobs, can be found in this repository https://github.com/duckietown/dt-aido-autolab-evaluator. The evaluator needs a working directory to store temporary files in. The command below assumes that the directory /data exists on your computer. Make sure you create it first, or you might get errors about some files being missing. So:

sudo mkdir /data

You can now run it by executing the following command from the root of its repository:

dts devel run \
  -A aido=5 \
  -A autolab=ETH_large_loop \
  -A token=<YOUR_TOKEN> \
  -A stage \
  -X \
  -- -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -e DEBUG=1