First connection#

You are now ready to connect to your Duckiedrone through the Duckietown Dashboard.

What you will need

  • A live DD24 (First Boot)

  • A base station with wireless connectivity, or a pre-existing network

What you will get

  • A fully operational DD24

Connecting to the Duckiedrone#

Make sure you are on the same network as your Duckiedrone:

Connect to the same network that the drone is connected to if the drone is in CL mode.

The default network is duckietown (password: quackquack)

Connect to duckietown-<hostname>-ap if the drone is in AP mode, where <hostname> is the robot name chosen during the initialization procedure.

If you forgot to change it, the default hostname is amelia.

Accessing the Duckiedrone functionalities#


Default robot name: amelia

Default ssh user name: duckie

Default ssh user password: quackquack

Ssh always possible: ssh [email protected]

Default access point (AP) network configuration:

  • SSID: duckietown-amelia-ap

  • Password: quackquack

Default client (CL) network configuration:

  • SSID: duckietown

  • Password: quackquack




I cannot connect to my Duckiedrone in AP mode.


Try using client mode and shut down the docker container dt-access-point through the Portainer interface (accessible through your browser from your base station at <hostname>.local:9000)