Assembly - Traffic Light DT21-TL#

Part 1: Preliminaries and part overview#

There is a small yellow box in the top left corner of each picture. This box is telling you which parts are needed to complete that assembly step.


At times you will see a small glue icon in the yellow box. That is to indicate some parts will no longer be separated, no matter if you are building a Watchtower (WT) or a Traffic Light (TL). While actual glue might not be necessary, we recommend a rigid connection.

Part 2: Ground Structure#



Make sure to connect the LED cables exactly as indicated in the picture. Otherwise, the LEDs will break irreversibly.


Part 3: TL Corner (Attached)#


Part 4: Camera Housing#


Part 5: TL Base#


Part 6: TL Corner (Single)#


Part 7: LED Housing#


Part 8: Complete Assembly#


Congratulations, at this point you have completed the traffic light.