Localization and SLAM
Localization and SLAM#
Having a good estimate of position is necessary for most tasks in autonomous mobile robotics. A self driving car, a delivery drone, or even a Roomba is not very useful without knowledge of its own location. The task of determining the location of a robot is known as localization. In this project, we will implement two algorithms for localization on the Duckiedrone: Monte Carlo localization and FastSLAM.
Note that the Bayes filter setup, with observation model and measurement model is exactly the same for the Kalman filter and the localization/SLAM particle filter. The particle filter is another way to handle non-Gaussian density functions. In many ways it is simpler to implement, because each particle is transitioned/updated assuming its state values are ground truth, and covariance is maintained over the entire set of particles rather than updating a covariance matrix. However it requires more computation as performance/accuracy scales with the number of particles. Notably particle filters are capable of representing multimodal distributions, making them a good fit for localization, where you may have multiple peaks (for example as the robot goes down a corridor and sees identical observations), that then resolve as it reaches a disambiguation location.
These algorithms cover two important cases: one in which the robot has a map of its environment available beforehand, and a second in which it does not. In this second case, the robot must use its sensors to simultaneously develop a map of its surroundings and localize itself relative to that map. Not surprisingly, this is referred to as the simultaneous localization and mapping problem, hereafter referred to as SLAM.
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