Step 1: Duckietown Account Setup
Step 1: Duckietown Account Setup#
1) Configure the Duckietown Shell#
The first thing you need to do with dts
is to set the Duckietown software distribution you want to work with.
For this version of the book, we use ente
. Make sure the shell is using a profile with the daffy distribution by running the following command
dts profile switch ente
2) Get a Duckietown Token#
Now your Duckietown Shell needs a Duckietown token. The Duckietown Token allows you to authenticate yourself and your robots against the Duckietown network.
You can make a Duckietown account for free from the Duckietown Hub. Make an account here.
The token is a string of letters and numbers that looks something like this:
To find your token, first log in to your account, then open the profile page in your browser:
Copy your token to use in the next step.
3) Set your token in the Duckietown Shell#
You can tell the Duckietown Shell who you are by running the command below and following the instructions presented in the shell
dts tok set
Checkpoint ✅#
Run the following tests to check your setup:
If the Duckietown Shell was installed correctly, then you can run a command like this
dts version
Expected Result
Verify that the version of the commands is set to daffy
Check if your token was successfully by running
dts tok status
Expected Result
This should output a message like the following,
dts : Correctly identified as uid = ***
If you have encountered issues or something is not behaving as expected, please stop here, it is a good time to ask for help on Stack Overflow.
You can join the Duckietown community on Slack at this link.
There you can request an invitation to the Duckietown Stack Overflow, by following these instructions.