Additional Materials for Building the Duckiedrone
Additional Materials for Building the Duckiedrone#
Base Station (Laptop)#
This section details the materials needed to build and fly your drone that are not included in the kit. To operate the drone, you must have a laptop or personal computer capable of connecting to the internet.
OS Requirements#
At this time, it is not possible to flash your SD card on a Chromebook. You will need a Linux, Windows, or macOS device to configure the SD card during the build. After configuration, any OS can be used.
Software Requirements#
You will also need to install the following software on your base station:
Betaflight Configurator. This application allows you to set up your Flight Controller.
You will install this software later in the manual.
Essential Soldering Tools#

Fig. 8 Soldering iron with base, sponge, and solder.#
Soldering iron
Brass wool or sponge to clean the soldering iron

Fig. 9 Wire strippers.#
Wire strippers
Safety goggles
Fume extractor
Helping hands
Nice to Have#
Solder remover (solder sucker or desoldering wick) to fix mistakes
Soldering mat
Tweezers or pliers
Flush cutters
Miscellaneous Tools#
Double-sided tape