Camera Calibration#



In this tutorial we will see how to perform camera calibration of a Duckiebot inside the Duckiematrix. In this case, we are performing the extrinsic calibration.

This example is designed to work properly with the map loop_0 you find in this repository. Using this demo with a vehicle with different intrinsics camera parameters from those in map_0/vehicle_0 in loop_0 will affect the result.

Step 1: Build the demo#

Run the following commands from the directory duckiematrix-examples/vehicle/calibration/camera/extrinsics. To build the demo, run:

dts devel build

Step 2: Run the Duckiematrix#

Open another terminal and run the following command from inside the directory duckiematrix-examples/maps/

dts matrix run --standalone --map ./loop_0

This will launch the Duckiematrix renderer on the map loop_0.

Step 3: Run the demo#

Run the following command from inside this directory to run the demo.

dts devel run -X

You should see a matplotlib window pop up showing the image recorded by the robot’s front camera.

Step 4: Go to the laboratory#

In the Duckiematrix window:

  • select Mayor’s View (top-right corner of the window);

  • walk to the vehicle you see on the road;

  • press E to hop on the vehicle;

  • use the keys W, A, S, D to drive;

  • drive to the laboratory’s driveway, then press F to enter the building;

  • select the Extrinsics Calibration tool (bottom-center of the window);

Step 5: Wait for a good detection#


Fig. 7 Detected corners in the calibration procedure#

The matplotlib window opened during Step 3 will show the corners detected on the patterned board. Once you see a clear and correct detection of all corners, press ENTER in the terminal from Step 3 and the estimated homography will be printed to screen.