Demo: Lane Following#


This demo reproduces the lane following demo by executing each of the libraries in the pipeline. There is no ROS involved, it is pure python.

To find the demo clone the duckiematrix-examples repository and navigate to the duckiematrix-examples/vehicle/demos/lane_following directory.

This demo is designed to work properly with the map loop_0 that you will also find in the duckiematrix-examples/maps directory. Using this demo with a vehicle with different camera/kinematics parameters from those in map_0/vehicle_0 in the map loop_0 will affect the behavior.

Step 1: Build the demo#

From the demo directory, run the following command to build the demo.

dts devel build --pull

Step 2: Run the Duckiematrix#

Run the following command, also from inside the demo directory:

dts matrix run --standalone --map ../../../maps/loop_0

You should see a Duckiematrix renderer pop up.


If you are running on MacOS you will see the Finder open and you should click on the Duckiematrix icon to start the renderer

Step 3: Run the demo#

Run the following command from inside this directory to run the demo (you will need a new shell for this).

dts devel run -X

You should see a matplotlib window pop up and the vehicle inside the Duckiematrix start moving.