Custom Map
Custom Map#
While the sandbox is nice and easy to use, it can get boring. In this section, we will see how we can run the Duckiematrix on a custom map.
Obtain a Map#
You can design your own map using the Duckietown Map Editor that you can run with the command,
dts map editor
Alternatively, you can download a very simple map from
this link.
In this case, unzip the archive so that the file main.yaml
is located at ~/loop/main.yaml
Use a custom map#
Let us assume that you have your map ready to go at the path ~/loop/
Remember, a map is defined by a directory containing all the layers (YAML files)
that form the map.
We can launch a Duckiematrix on our custom map using the command,
dts matrix run --standalone -m ~/loop/
The command above will spin up an engine and a renderer on your map.
Experiment with changing the map, for example by rotating the tiles by changing the yaw
angle in the frames.yaml
Remember, you have to stop and re-run the command above for any changes in the layers to
appear in the renderer.