Getting Started Developing in the Duckiematrix#

Setup environment#

Clone the required repositories:

git clone [email protected]:duckietown/dt-duckiematrix.git
git clone [email protected]:duckietown/duckiematrix.git
git clone [email protected]:duckietown/duckiematrix-examples.git

Structure of the software#

The file entities are defined in packages/duckiematrix_engine/entites. To define a new entity inheriting from DifferentialDriveVehicleEntityAbs, for example, create a new file, such as


It is useful to have an overview of the development workflow:

  1. Make changes to the source code in packages/duckiematrix_engine (the dt-duckiematrix repository)

  2. Build the new engine for the Duckiematrix

  3. Run it

Building the project#

To test any changes made, the engine needs to be built, incorporating those changes. This step will build a new image of the Duckiematrix that will be automatically pushed to the Docker registry and used for running the Duckiematrix locally. To build the Docker image, run:

dts devel build

Running the project#

This image will be used by default. To test a change locally in the sandbox map, run:

dts matrix run --sandbox --standalone