Step 3: What’s Next?#

We have seen how a few Duckietown shell commands is all we need to learn and develop robotic systems that will perform in the simulator or on a real world robot.

Find more Duckietown Learning Experiences#

You can find example LX packages to walk through in the Duckietown Learning Experiences repository.

Worried about forgetting the workflow?#

Here are a few resources

  1. Bookmark this development guide to come back to any time;

  2. Run dts code in the terminal to display the list of available workflow commands. You can also use the help flag -h after any command to get more details and a list of available options;

  3. Download the Duckietown dts code workflow cheatsheet here to hang up around your workspace: dts code Workflow Cheatsheet;

How to get help#

If you run into any issues that can’t be solved using the troubleshooting sections in this development manual, you can join the Duckietown community on Slack. There you can request an invitation to the Duckietown Stack Overflow team and find other developers using Duckietown for a wide variety of projects and learning experiences.

Create your own LX#

You can begin developing your own custom learning experiences to teach others by continuing on to the next section of this development guide: How To - Create an LX.