Experimental Learning Experiences
{"description": "Learning Experiences (LX) in Duckietown are what you would call a class in a traditional learning setup. Duckietown LXs are step-by-step and interactive.", "keywords": "duckietown, LX, learning experience, learning module, curricula, curriculum, robotics class, free robotics class, robotics course, online robotics, autonomous driving, duckiebot, db21, db21-j4, AV, autonomous vehicle, self-driving car, self-driving, robot autonomy, AI robotics, simulation, hardware, jupyter notebook, nvidia jetson nano 4gb, jetson nano"}
Experimental Learning Experiences#
This section lists the experimental learning experiences available for Duckiebots.
What you will need
An internet connection; About 10 minutes; A computer with the Duckietown Shell command installed and correctly setup;
What you will get
Duckietown token correctly set up;